Vegan restaurant in Prague
BistRAW&TEA, open for one year now, which is a raw vegan bistro and tea/coffee house in Vinohrady, Prague 2, has become a popular place for meetings, studying, working in this area.
We interviewed for the first time the owner, Milan, who is a raw vegan. We were curious about why he determined to change his diet into a raw food diet. Milan told us that in the past, he had health issues, such as asthma and he tried many ways/diets to cure it, like a vegetarian or vegan diet. Finally, he found out that when he became a raw vegan, asthma has not appeared anymore.

Milan shared that the raw diet makes him feel more close to his inner self and makes his mind clear. Milan opened the raw teahouse & café not only for business, but also he wanted to offer something different for people, different types of diet, food and drinks, which are connected with a new mindset and lifestyle.
BistRAW offers diverse kinds of tea and drinks, such as Chinese Gong-Fu tea, herb tea, fresh juice, matcha latte, chai latte etc. Milan said that he felt tea has been very special for him since he was 15. He prefers to drink good quality tea and he drinks it with a special tea set, which will be served at BistRAW&TEA if you order tea.
It is worth to mention that BistRAW&TEA, instead of using traditional “sugar” for making desserts or drinks, only puts fruits or dates into desserts or drinks, taking the advantage of the natural sweetness from fruits, such as banana, apple, and orange. This is why there is the flavor of the fruit in every kind of latte drink, which is sweet, tasty and healthy.

The average cost of BistRAW&TEA’s food or drinks is around 60-85kč for drinks, 30-80kc for food. Honestly speaking, it is quite economical in Vinohrady.
All food in the menu can be served without the five pungent spices (extended reading: Why does pure diet exclude 5 pungent spices) raw avocado pizza, raw Thai soup, raw burger, raw sandwich, raw guacamole.

The atmosphere of BistRAW&TEA is warm and peaceful, just like a relaxed home. Wish you a good time there!
Open: Sunday-Thursday 10:00-22:00
Friday: 10:00-18:00
Saturday: close
Address: Londýnská 30, Praha 2
Payment type: Cash & Card
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