Why pure diet? For promoting the health
Why pure diet? For promoting the health.
Today, many people focus on promoting investments, fitness, travel, and studying abroad, but it seems that very few are genuinely and professionally promoting health. However, without health, all happiness, efforts, achievements, and dreams are nothing but illusions.
Perhaps right now, you don’t have to worry about getting sick because you and your family are currently healthy. But have you ever thought about what you would do if one day you or a family member were to develop a serious illness? Are you prepared for that? Do you know how to prepare?
I once had a colleague whose grandmother suffered from Parkinson’s disease. Her mother would visit her grandmother at the clinic every morning, then go to work, and after work, she would return to the clinic and stay until 10 PM, day after day, for ten years, almost without a life of her own.
Imagine that our body is like a car—a Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes, or Volkswagen. Different brands vary in quality, price, and naturally, functionality. If our bodies accumulate more diseases and suffer damage, their functionality will naturally decline. A single stroke can cause paralysis, and the body’s functionality can drop dramatically, just like a car downgraded to a motorcycle. Can you imagine living such an inconvenient life?
Every year, approximately one million people worldwide die by suicide, and 50 million to 120 million people are affected by suicide or a close relative’s or colleague’s suicide attempt. Among my friends, several have had suicidal thoughts, and some have even attempted suicide. Have we ever sincerely asked ourselves, our families, and our friends and colleagues if we are satisfied with our current lives? Are we truly happy?
Bad moods and insufficient stress resilience can cloud a person’s mind and affect emotional stability, much like a drowsy driver is prone to accidents.
Physical and mental health have become critical issues that humanity and society must address. Otherwise, economic development and success achieved at the cost of health are unsustainable and lead to self-destruction.
Health is the holistic well-being of the body, mind and soul
So, what is health? It is the holistic well-being of the body, mind, and soul.
For the body, it means fewer illnesses or the absence of disease. First and foremost, we need to change our diet. In the UK, food packaging has “red, yellow, and green” labels to indicate how safe the food is for the body. Red-labeled foods are typically high in calories, fat, sugar, or salt, such as processed foods, animal fats, and high-cholesterol foods, which should be avoided or consumed in minimal amounts. Green-labeled foods are beneficial to health, rich in nutrients, and low in fat, sugar, and salt, such as potassium-rich vegetables and high-fiber grains, which should be consumed more frequently. Yellow-labeled foods are somewhere between red and green; they may contain some unhealthy ingredients but are generally safe for most people in moderate amounts, such as certain fruits and nuts.
People are constantly researching and exploring cleaner energy sources—from diesel to gasoline to today’s electric cars—and perhaps even cleaner energy will be developed in the future to extend the lifespan of cars and reduce pollution. This allows us to live more convenient, safer, cleaner, and sustainable lives. Food is to humans what gasoline is to cars. Pure food reduces pollution in the body and emotions, decreases damage to organs, and lowers the risk of illness.
A healthy mind needs to be in a state of peace, joy, comfort, and stability. If we don’t consciously change our mindset and practice the four beauties of love: respect, blessing, appreciation, and growth, our body should be like an air purifier, filled with pure water, not gas. Negative emotions and attitudes are like gas that ferments in our minds, accumulating and, over time, leading to more arguments with those around us and increasingly unstable moods.
Purelife Praha